$CARD Token

What is it? What does it do?

AlgoCard Token - $CARD - ASA ID #1183554043

The $CARD token is an Algorand ASA with a supply of 100,000 tokens divisible by 1,000. The token is provided liquidity by numerous high quality ASAs (i.e. $ALGO, $USDC, GOLD$, SILVER$, $GoBTC, $GoETH, and others). Additionally, we are paired with various community, meme, and project tokens to help build the strength of the creator ecosystem. We believe growth is a collective effort.

At its creation, 5,000 tokens were reserved and distributed to myself and my children. The rest that we hold, we obtain through purchase and LP provision.

Our Fund and Why We Chose the Assets We Did

Why does it exist?

The token is an experiment, a learning, and a teaching tool. It helps to teach me and my kids how liquidity pools work. It also allows us to watch how the arb bots react and balance the pools with market or liquidity changes, while providing a small amount of passive income in the form of fees generated by bot trading. In addition, it provides an easy way to teach the value of diversity by giving exposure to a range of different assets in one token, essentially, shares of a mutual fund of sorts.

Is there a roadmap?

No. There is not and will not be a roadmap. I honestly don't know where this is going to go. I have ideas, but the token is what it is on any given day. The idea is that, once fully in liquidity, its value will continue to grow, but I have no plan beyond what is stated above. Rather than a roadmap, it will be more like a trail of breadcrumbs that can be followed as changes occur.

Should you buy it?

That is not a question that I feel comfortable answering. As stated, this is an experiment. Yes, I hope that it is a successful experiment and that it will gain value over time. I am building liquidity with my own funds, after all. Anyone is free to obtain some, but I urge caution and zero expectation in doing so.

The Rules

I am setting in place rules to follow in the building of this token. The purpose of these rules is to provide a guideline for me to follow and for my kids to learn from. If I break them, I have to answer to them for any ethical consequences. This is the most severe form of accountability that I can imagine, as it will shape their understanding of ethics and responsible stewardship.

This is a family project, but we cannot prevent others from participating. As such, we need to keep mindful that any decisions we make may affect others.

We do not promote or encourage outside purchases of the token (shill). If others choose to do so, it must only be because they personally found value in it.

We learn by purchasing/swapping in LP. Purchases and sales are encouraged, but it is important to be mindful of the impacts that these activities produce.

The creator wallet is not a fund to draw from. It is intended to be the main source of liquidity. Reallocation of funds to better performance is allowed, but the funds remain in the wallet.

We offer staking and farming for ourselves, as a learning tool and others who may be holding. We can distribute and offer tokens as gift, rebate, etc... so long as we are not asking people to buy the token.